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Access to Mobility

When we think of connected cars, and driverless cars in particular, the immediate advantages for the disabled are especially noteworthy. The increased freedom and autonomy a driverless car could offer the elderly, sight-impaired or otherwise disabled who are currently unable to drive themselves could literally be life-changing.

No longer would an individual need to rely upon a family member or friend to take them to the shops, nor would they need to incur the expense of paying for a carer to escort them to a social event or doctor’s appointment. The uncertainty of accessing not to mention waiting for and traveling on public transport would be eradicated, simultaneously eradicating the fear and trepidation that many elderly and disabled people feel about engaging with these often unreliable services. Once these barriers are removed through autonomous driving technology, disabled people are in a better position to apply for work and integrate more fully into society.

Source: Medium

Vehicles of tomorrow will revolutionise mobility for young, older and disabled people.

The three groups focused upon in this report (young people, the elderly and people with disabilities), suffer most from restrictions to their personal mobility. The challenges facing each group are distinct but all three have identified CAV's as a potential solution, which could not only increase their mobility, but also improve their quality of life.

perceived benefits

SMMT CAVs: Revolutionising Mobility in Society

Click here to read the full study.