UK Connected and Automated mobility Roadmap to 2030
Mobility itself will soon be transformed by the new technologies associated with connectivity and automation, including ‘self-driving’. Connectivity enables the flow refinement of data, leading to better information and smoother, safer journeys for the traveling public. At the same time, automation yields increased safety and new ways of helping people become more productive.
The roadmap explains the likely progress over the next decade.
To download the pdf version please click here.
A CAV Roadmap for Scotland
The Scottish Government is committed to developing an integrated, sustainable, accessible and environmentally friendly transport system. The development and use of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) and associated infrastructure can deliver significant, wide-ranging benefits for the people of Scotland. Through improvements in safety and efficiency, it has the potential to bring transformative change to peoples’ lives, not just in how we travel but in how we work, where we live and for the environment. We are extremely well positioned to build on our existing industrial and academic assets and capabilities whilst simultaneously developing new skills and capabilities. We are committed to ensuring that we are able to deliver the numerous benefits that CAV technology could bring to the population of Scotland.Scotland is very much open for business and this is an ideal environment and window of opportunity for automotive manufacturers, academic institutions, regulatory authorities and business leaders to continue the testing, trialling and refining of CAV technologies here.
To download the pdf version please click here.